Sharing Knowledge is our key method. We offer Consultation and Teaching. Our courses are designed to be engaging and interactive, with hands-on activities and discussions that will keep you motivated throughout the journey. Learn insights that you can apply in your personal and professional aspects of life.

We offer Consultation in मराठी, हिन्दी or English 

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Live Lectures

Most of our sessions are one to one with live sessions. Our course content is curated with online video conferencing tools to enable the learners to revisit and learn anytime.

"Harmonious Parenting with Bach Flowers" this Course is about nurturing strong connections with your child, fostering open and respectful communication, and providing the support and guidance they need for healthy development. 

Discover pathways to raise Mindful & Confident Child

INR 9,999/- INR 7,500/-

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180 DAYS Access    

We offer Consultation and Teaching  Sharing knowledge is our Key Method 

Bach Flower Remedy

Experience the holistic power of 38 Bach essence, restoring emotional balance and nurturing a healthy, natural state of being. Heal emotional issues like anxiety, stress, low confidence, self doubt overthinking, indecision, and fear. Just like Dr. Bach, we believe in the positive impact of emotional healing on overall well-being

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Spreading Awareness

Psychological awareness helps people understand their thoughts, emotions, and actions, improving their response to challenges. It enhances problem-solving skills, resilience, relationships, and personal growth. With psychological awareness, individuals navigate challenges with resilience and live more fulfilling lives.

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Alchemy of Emotions' and 'Anxiety Management' both courses deal with the very complex topics of human emotions.  You made such complex topics very interesting and relatively simple to understand with your unique teaching techniques of 'Flower Remedies' by Dr Bach.You have designed the entire course very thoughtfully, withwell organized presentations, relatable videos for better understanding, and simple daily life examples.Your interactive teaching style, timely upload of recordings, dedicated 'Rewire Harmony' website for anytime access, and detailed notes for the entire course leaves no room for failure for anyone who wants to learn! Anagha, your sincere efforts to facilitate everyone to learn flower remedies and successfully use them to find solutions to challenges at a family level and beyond is appreciated. Wish you all the success in your endeavors. Thank you!

Shree K, USA

I have recently completed a Bach Flower Remedies course, conducted by Mrs Anagha Walimbe. She has a unique style of teaching that creates an interest in the subject, of which she possesses a thorough knowledge and understanding. She has prepared the course that imparts a thorough knowledge of all the flower remedies as well as corresponding human nature. All in all, I would say that it was a wonderful experience to learn from her.

Mr. Anil Bibikar

Retired Professor, Pune

I don't have enough words to thank you I accidently came to know about your  workshop of the Bach flower remedies and anxiety management But I am extremely glad that I enrolled and successfully completed both the course. They are totally life changing  It gives me totally another perspective towards life and how to handle difficult situations So much positivity felt after anxiety  workshop. Thank you once again for being patient teacher and such a amazing listener. Personal consultation was cherry on the top. 

Sarika D, Pune

I came across Anagha's course of Bach flower remedy and was instantly impressed with the manner in which the course details were clearly mentioned. Her way of conducting the workshops is very professional- be it start of each session exactly on time or sharing of daily coursework etc. At the same time, her style of teaching is with calmness, it is thorough and quite selfless without holding back on information. She ensures doubts are cleared and includes revision of the remedies regularly. Her session on creams and oils was wonderful! Other than the content of that session, it was very well thought and executed. Her anxiety management sessions were also very useful, definitely thought provoking and introspective. I am glad I attended this flower remedy course with Anagha : )

Mrs. Ashwini Khandekar

This feedback is for Anagha. A thorough professional in course completion, always ready to answer your doubts. Technique of teaching as per the groups, memory method to remember remedies , preparation of creams & oils are all very well planned & taught. Thanks Anagha & continue the good work. Dr. Sharayu

🙏🏻😊 नमस्कार ...मी मंजिरी ओक .अनघा वाळींबे चा  Bach Flower Remedies चा ऑनलाईन कोर्स मी पूर्ण केला होता. त्यामध्ये व्हिडिओज दाखवून मग त्यावरून विचार करून औषधे शोधण्याची तिची पद्धत फारच छान आहे. आपल्या विचारांना त्यामुळे चालना मिळण्यास मदत होते. मी तिच्याकडून पर्सनल प्रॉब्लेम साठीही औषध घेतली. त्यांचाही मला खूप उपयोग झाला.  अनेकांना तिच्या या कोर्समुळे फायदाच होईल याची खात्री आहे. अनघा तुझ्या या सहाय्याबद्दल खूप आभार आणि तुझ्या पुढच्या उज्वल वाटचालीसाठी खूप शुभेच्छा🌹

I have recently completed Bach Flower Remedy conducted by BFRP Anagha Walimbe. The course was very good, interactive and well crafted. One can learn about the emotional well- being of an Individual through this course. I am very satisfied with the way the course was taught. This has definitely been  a value addition to me.Thank you so much🙏 Sarika D, Pune

अनघा... मनापासून धन्यवाद फ्लॉवर रेमेडी बद्दल माहिती होतीच पण तुझा क्लास केल्यावर खूप गोष्टी अजून समजल्या. तुझी शिकवण्याची पद्धत आणि लक्षात ठेवण्यासाठी शिकवलेली पद्धत सोपी वाटली. फॅमिली मिक्श्चरची रेसिपी एकदम मस्त त्याचप्रमाणे personal consultation with combination छानच. नक्कीच फायदा झाला आहे तुझा क्लास केल्यावर. पुन्हा एकदा धन्यवाद नेहा, पुणे 

Explore the Testimonial Sections located at the bottom of every Course Page as well.

Our Courses

सर्व Courses तसेच Workshops मराठी भाषेत घेतले जातात. 

Inquire about our Bach Remedy course, where individuals from English, Hindi, and Marathi backgrounds can learn together

Harmonious Parenting with Bach Flower Remedies

Two in one program.    Learn how 38 Bach essences can restore emotional balance, nurture a healthy state of being, and help heal anxiety, stress, self-doubt, indecision, and fear. Explore progressive parenting, nurturing strong parent-child connections for harmonious family dynamics with this empowering program.

Create Inner Peace: Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Acquire a comprehensive understanding and effective techniques to manage stress and anxiety in your life. Discover insights into triggers and patterns for more effective problem-solving. This course is offered along with Bach Flower Remedy Course

Nurturing Bonds: Pathways to Progressive Parenting

This is 2 days workshop to discover the transformative concept of effective and mindful parenting.  We'll soon be sharing valuable insights and techniques that will empower you as a parent. Stay tuned for an enriching journey that will help you build stronger bonds with your child